A Guide to Nutrigenomics
Although we were created with certain kinds of genes in our bodies which we have no control of, it is good to know that we may have more control of it than we think. When our bodies develop, we already have a specific blueprint in our bodies that will become us, how we look and how our bodies will grow.
We may be aware that we can have genetic predispositions to certain illnesses and body types and we become indifferent about our future health. But today there is such a thing as nutrigenomics or the study of how food compounds and genes interact, which is showing us that the food that we eat makes a big impact on the way our genes are expressed.
Proteins make up most of our body mass. When we eat proteins, they are broken down into amino acids and then rebuilt to reflect our specific genetic expressions. These amino acids are instructed to use our genetic blueprint to create more of the same strands of hair, skin color, nose shape, hand size, etc. Get additional details from this link here at Ancestry.com.
In nutrigenomics, it shows that nutrients and chemicals can affect the way substances like enzymes and proteins are expressed. This means that they affect newly created cells. This in turn affects the body's metabolism, hormonal balance, and regulation of inflammation in the body. For further ideas about Genetic Testing discover more here!
So, if your body is depleted of vital nutrients and harmful foreign chemicals are taken into the body, it can affect the way our genes are expressed and potentially develop mutations and irregularities. This can make us more prone to genetic disorders that if we had a full nutritional profile.
Our DNA contains our genetic codes and designs who we are, but we also have a bit of control over how these genes are expressed and controlled within our bodies.'
Thus, this is a good reason to avoid toxins and eat organic food to keep your body stocked up with vital nutrients. So, if you want good gene support, remember to eat organic, avoid toxins like sugar, salt, alcohol, smoking, etc., eat live raw foods, take high quality supplements, and think positively.
Our bodies are affected by out thoughts as well as our foods. So, make sure to think as good as you eat and you will be able to support your body through a lifetime of health. A health body will help you enjoy the life that you were made to enjoy. Check this website to get more information about supplement https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bodybuilding_supplement.